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You are what the church is supposed to be!
posted by: Melea Raybon on 10/30/2018

Hello, I am a student from Eastern Michigan University and I had a reading assignment that involved an interview from your pastor back in the 90's. Before this I had not heard of your church but WOW. Just reading about the love and the mission of your church brought me to tears. Growing up in the church I had my dislikes about how the churches had been run as far as not being as inclusive as you have strived to do with Metropolitan. I suppose I just felt too moved by your mission to not contact you guys in some way and just give my personal thanks and praise for spreading God's love, how it is supposed to be spread. It is my prayer that your church grows to have campuses across the country as this type of love is needed in every corner of it. God bless!
Amen! 43 people are praising.
Blessings of Praise
posted by: Dee on 3/27/2013

Glory to the Awesome Most High God of Israel! All praise and glory belongs to him in the name Jesus Christ his son, the King of Glory for his wondrous mercies towards me. Last week my church had a thanks giving service to celebrate the biblical New Year; A joyous night of thanks giving. However, days earlier I could feel the effects of the flu coming on with body pains and chills. Even breathing was painful. But by my Heavenly Father's unfailing grace my family and I made it to church at sunset that evening. And although a severe sore throat worried me about my ability to sing, when the first hymn was called I filled my lungs with as much air as I could and just let my voice out. Praising God with my whole heart from the depths of my soul and by the end of the second hymn my sore throat was gone. Praise to Jesus Christ the rock of our Salvation! By the third, body pains and chills had disappeared and by the end of the service all sickness had left my body. Hallelujah! How awesome is that! So I just want to give our Most High God through Jesus Christ the Name above all names, my highest praise and thanksgiving for this miraculous healing. He is indeed our great physician! Hosanna in the Highest!
Amen! 113 people are praising.